Tuesday 25 October 2011

What an Interesting Day!

We had a pair of small boys in this morning.  They spent an hour or so working with Paul dismantling cameras and learning about how they work, then we did battle axe fighting (with sponge axes!), learning about the origin of the word 'berserk' along the way. Then the older one (8) settled down to play GO with P while I started some painting with the younger (5).  He was very interested in colour mixing for his painting of a ruined castle (and he told me the whole tale of how it was ruined and what the King and Princes were going to do to stop it happening to the new one they plan to build), so we did a bit of colour theory (the PIGment who swallows some coloured light and reflects others - must work on some illustrations....).  He then decided to make a sheep, so I found one of the Henry Moore drawings to show him.  The finished beast looked like road kill, but hey ho.  I taught him a bit about tapestry and he added a couple of passes to the sample loom.  Finally, gave the older boy a fencing lesson in the car park; he armed with Granny's stick, and I with his plastic sword.  What larks, Pip!

This afternoon I did some more on the Grey Lady.  I should be able to make it for the ATB deadline...
We were visited by the Food Health people, who gave us the pass certificate we need to serve tea and coffee etc to visitors.  Good job we had hidden the poison mushrooms, ha ha.

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