Thursday 2 February 2012

Just to Prove that I HAVE been Weaving

It's a bit fiddly doing the starting knots in such narrow sections, but I have got as far as some of the text.  I am waiting for the jpeg of the Hebrew text to complete the cartoon on the right hand side.  What you cannot see are the delightfully fat bobbins for each section.  Brilliant to have plenty of yarn!  The blue of the text now includes the dyed-to-order 18/2 from Weavers' Bazaar - lovely handle, and excellent colour matching.  I recommend them highly.  'My' colours are now in their permanent palette, so you too can work with blue!

February is 'Fun-a-Day' month.  I missed out last year because of Dissertation writing (most definitely NOT fun-a-day!) but want to do it this time around.  I went taking photos in the woods on my daily walk with Doglet, but also thought that a haiku diary of the days would be good.  May be possible to combine the ideas.  I fancy making a book too, possibly the groovy envelope folded one in the Pentland book of bookmaking.  We shall see; the world is, after all, my lobster.

Woody Gorgeousness I and II

1 comment:

  1. the last photo is definately of a woody lobster, frozen in time and space.


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